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Op Eds / Articles on DivestNJ Coalition
Asbury Park Press - 10/7/2022 by Scott Fallon
'Clock is ticking': NJ moves toward divesting its pension fund from fossil fuel companies
The Star Ledger - 10/6/2022 by Steven Rodas & Derek Hall - 10/6/2022 by Steven Rodas & Derek Hall
NJ Spotlight - 9/20/2019 by John Reitmeyer
Campaign Continues Against State Pension Investment in Fossil Fuels
NJ Spotlight - 8/14/2019 by Tina Weishaus
Op-Ed: If NJ Should Divest from Guns, Why Not from Fossil Fuels?
Princeton Packet - 6/14/2019 by Tina Weishaus
Letter to the Editor: Divest NJ's pension from fossil fuels now
Montclaire Local - 4/11/2019 by Deborah Rivers
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